The care of women and children is the core of our mission and we are very passionate about these. Unfortunately, maternal and infant mortality are still very high in many of our communities. We know that one way of improving the survival rate of women and children is by improving their general health standards. We also believe that this should start from before a woman becomes pregnant.
The quality of the health of the woman impacts greatly on the health of the children, families and the community as a whole. We hope to achieve this by improving the quality of antenatal care, care during childbirth as well as care during the period following childbirth.
We will provide antenatal care, delivery care, and postnatal care for women and basic child care for their children especially in our poorer communities. We will provide access to personnel and adequate infrastructure.
We hope that our efforts at the primary health care level will reduce the burden on the secondary (state hospitals) and tertiary health care (federal hospitals) providers, to enable them focus on complicated cases.