What We Do


The importance of education to any given society can never be overemphasized. It is an essential human virtue, a necessity of society, a basis for a good life and a sign of freedom and prosperity. It is also well known that investment in education is the best way to break the poverty cycle.

Referral System for Traditional Birth Attendants


It is said that health is wealth and LHF shares this belief. We also believe that the success of any given community can adequately be measured by how healthy its women and children are. Our emphasis is on maternal health care.

Food Security

We aim to provide food security, improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture in rural areas in Kano. We hope to achieve this by helping farmers increase their production through the use of more holistic and natural methods of farming. This will not only increase their yield but it is also a more environmentally friendly method of farming. We also hope to provide assistance with issues of drought and flooding by providing them access to relevant agricultural schemes and policies.

Other Projects

These are some of the other projects that target better livelihoods, such as electricity, clean water, and human/societal developments.